Halloween 2020

Ivan at the top of our candy chute sending treats down to trick-or-treaters. He spent over an hour manning this station on Halloween.

The eyes of the Jack-o-lantern are Pac-Man according to Ivan.
Zoom Halloween Trivia Party
Calvin and Hobbes at karate class
Mini Parking Lot Parade

Downtown Window Painting – TROGDOR! BURNINATE!

Birthday Boy

Classy sit on a toilet and aim water squirters at giant bathing ducks game.
Origami PAPER!
Face of a kid with new books!
Giant slinkie Ezri gave him from her winnings at Enchanted Castle and The D&D Monster Manual from Aunt Amy & Uncle Tim

Father’s Day

Eric had to add the “s” to the mug above and correct the grammar cause he has two kids at the TBK karate studio. Ivan helped me make Eric brunch waffles, we gifted him a book, and Star Wars art made of perler beads. We got Chinese take out for dinner and the kids watched classic Tom Baker Doctor Who with dad.

Home accomplishments

Ivan has gotten to do some new things from home during the pandemic. He participated in “May the Fourth” online Star Wars trivia and was proud of his 3rd place finish. Starting in the first week of June, he began playing in an online D&D campaign as Moremash the half orc Barbarian. Last weekend he successfully tested for his brown/green belt over zoom with his karate studio. The second time he’s tested for a new belt (there’s been plenty of time for virtual karate lessons over zoom from our basement). Today he competed in his first virtual chess tournament.