I think his big sister’s first airplane flight was photo-documented with pictures of her in the plane.
This trip was just Ivan and me, so his only en route photo was this lovely shot on a changing table in the Denver airport.
Ivan had a rough flight out to Denver. He only cried a bit, but he did need constant bouncing to keep him from fussing. So, I was ready to bounce and calm on the flight back. And then Ivan slept almost the entire flight home. He woke up towards the end of the flight to make eyes at the row of 20-something men returning from a ski trip. They actually brightened up and played peek-a-boo with him. In general, people were excellent to a solo traveling mom. My seatmates let me share their tray table for a drink. No one seemed to mind us nursing in the plane or airport which happened a lot. One college girl did look at us sitting on the floor of the airport nursing and say, “Awwwww.”
We had a lot of fun playing with my Coral and her family. Ivan especially loved having two babies to play with.
count me in for an Awwww too. Any pix of Coral’s boys?