Ivan at 9 months with monkey-monkey for scale

Ivan just had his in&out day on June 2.  That being the day he’s been out in the world for 9 months or the same amount of time he spent gestating inside me.

I wanted to take a photo with monkey-monkey for scale, but Ezri insisted on being in the photo too.

His shirt says “bees knees,” but, really, look at those rolly polly baby thighs. I love them.

I kept trying for a decent shot of the group on the floor.  They had fun rolling around and laughing, but not so much with the quality photos.
Here’s Sushi looking up as if to say, “Really, you’re trying to photograph this?”

Ivan is spending more time up in crawl position. He’s even gone forward or back just a little bit before going down to his stomach.

His favorite position is standing. He cannot stand unassisted. He has the leg strength, but nowhere near the balance for solo standing. Ivan has learned how to avoid being put down on his bottom or laid down by bracing his legs in standing position. This is how he demands that you hold him standing since your other option is to drop him from standing position. Clever little guy!  Then he will happily bounce on his legs while your job is to keep him from going down hard.

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