Ivan speaks


These days Ivan’s language is understood pretty well by complete strangers not used to his speech which is pretty cool.

Sometimes, perhaps more often than I thought, I tell Ivan he is a funny little booger.  He’s adopted the phrase and will point at me and say, “You’re a funny little booger.”  At the diaper changing table both Eric and I have been turned away and told by Ivan, “Go away, funny little booger.”  Now he’s decided, “Manda, you’re a funny big booger.”  At least he also tells me that I’m the best.

Discussing the holidays:
A: What do you want for Hanukkah?
i: I’m a dinosaur.
A: You want a dinosaur?
E: I think he’s thinking Halloween.
i:  ROAR!  I’m a dinosaur.

Ivan is also a big fan of saying, “Eeny, Meeny, Miney Mo Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers let him go.  Eeny Meeny, Miney. . ” and then he points at you and yells “MO!”  Ezri taught him the rhyme and they do it together.

He says, “I do it,” so often that in the tot Spanish class his teacher has taught him to say, “Yo lo hago.”

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