Ivan speaks


Guess I’ve been collecting Ivan quotes for a few months now. Here they are.

Singing loud and proud, “I don’t want a pickle. I just wanna ride on my taco-cycle.” He takes a pause to explain, “A taco-cycle is a little taco with wheels.”

“This pencil doesn’t have any spike.”
Explaining the problem of a dull pencil.

“I’m a bottom spit. I need more popcorn.”
He was trying to say the phrase “bottomless pit.”

A: Tomorrow is your last day of tot school.
i: YEAH! We are going to have a show and sing our favorite songs sitting in chairs.
A: What will you sing?
i: The clean up song.
A: How does that go?
i: ‘Clean up! Clean up!’ . . .and then some other words.
A: It will be your last day with your teachers Mrs. Rumsey and Mrs. Topic. Will you miss them?
i: No, I will not miss them. But, I miss you. Like when you’re Denver.

“You made a rhyme. Pan and pants RHYME!”

When Ivan gets a bump or scrape sometimes he will refuse Eric and say, “No kiss it! Amanda, you kiss it.”
That’s kind of sweet. But then sometimes when Eric is trying to help him after using the potty he will say, “No, NO Wipe. Amanda wipe.” Less sweet.

A: Look, those kids are playing soccer.
i: I LOVE soccer!
A: You do?
i: Yeah! You get to yell “Fire! Fire!” really loud and there’s cotton candy.
His love here is spectating at Chicago Fire soccer games, not playing soccer.

“I will always share my ice cream with you. . .because you tickle me.”

Jumping through the house making the video game sounds
A: Are you Mario?
i: No, I am Luigi.

“There! There! the-trash-picking-up Zamboni!” Ivan, you mean garbage truck, but I like your description better.

After having a BB gun described to him. “If I had a baby gun, I would do this and shoot metal pellets in my face.” He will never get a BB gun. He is describing what he does with a squirt gun, but then you just get water in the face.

“When it was night time I dreamed we goed to Target and got a NEW SOCCER BALL! Do you like my dream?”

Ivan putting a tomato in our shopping cart
A: Why are you putting a tomato in the cart? You don’t like tomatoes.
i: It’s for Ezri.

“I am going to save some of my lemonade for you because you hug me that’s why I’m gonna give you lemonade.”

“Remember” – Ivan uses this word like it means to know. This results in him asking if you remember things you would have no way of remembering because you were not present for them. “Do you remember what I’m playing?” “Do you remember what Linny made for the baby?” (episode of Wonder Pets I was not watching)

“This day” Ivan doesn’t say today and tonight. He talks about “this day” and “this night” and “the day after this day” and “the night after this night.”

Ivan: Are penguins real?
Me: yes.
Ivan: YAY! We can play with the penguins when it’s winter! . . . Do penguins come out in the winter?
Me: Not in this part of the world.
Ivan: Why?

Ivan (brandishing a stick like a sword): “I am BOOBY BUNNY!”
Me: Is that . . .your fighting name?
Ivan: Yeah! Booby means I can repair myself.
Me: What does bunny mean?
Me: So, you are an attacker who can repair any damage done to you.
Ivan (swirling around with stick): Yeah! I am BOOBY BUNNY! hee-yah!

Singing gently to a rock he has colored green with sidewalk chalk and has cupped in his swaying hands, “Rock-a-bye, Rocky, in the treetop when the wind blows the cradle will rock. When the bough breaks the cradle will fall and down will come cradle, Rocky, and all.”


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