Ivan Speaks

This artwork is “Brown Baby Heads.” It is inspired by a Kandinsky painting. Unlike his sister Ivan tells me he is not an artist, but he enjoys making art.

Some recent utterances:

Dancing, taking pictures and eating food give me ENERGY!

i: Can I be Santa Claus this Christmas?
A: What would you do if you were Santa?
i: Dress up like Santa and wrap your presents and not tell you what is in them.

Did you know I’m trained to be a ninja?

Do you know why I called Eric a genius? Because he can roll a burrito.

Upon seeing me bring out the vacuum, “Are we going to have company?”
No, kid, I am just vacuuming to ya’know clean the floor. I don’t only vacuum for company, do I?

Ivan is starting to get irregular past verbs.
bringed is becoming brought
sayed is becoming said
goed is becoming went
I know it had to happen, but he sounds so grown up with his proper forms.

“What does V look like again?”
Ivan can recognize and type all the letters in his name except the V, but if you flash him the peace sign he can then find the V.
Go, Ivan.

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