Ivan Speaks

After initially wondering why I’d brought him out on such a dreary day, Ivan decided that the arboretum was actually fun.

Here’s another collection of the quotable Ivan. Spoiler alert – he likes to talk about butts and underwear alot.

“This is my B-L-A-U dance!”
The dance that followed was a lot of shaking and karate chops.

i (pointing up at the flag outside the rec center): That’s the America flag. That’s the land where there are no bad guys
A: No bad guys?
i: No Bowzer. No Darth Vader. No Spider Bytez. No bad guys.
A: You are right that there are no Sith or mutant monsters in America. (notice I dodged on the “bad guys”)

This night was the first time I did DODGEBALL ever. And I hitted one person in the head and it was YOU, Amanda. I love this Gym Jam.

You eat me and then I go into your belly and then I’d be borned again and be a tiny baby.
(Kid, you’ve worked in cannibalism and being “born again” and me having a newborn to care for again into one disturbing thought there.)

You can still hug me and love me when I’m a grown-up.

Singing “A-B-C I want to marry EZRI!” We explained about not marrying your siblings. Also covered was why you could not marry cats, your mom or broccoli.

Said to Ezri, “You can’t marry Miguel because I am gonna marry Miguel.”

i: We are superheroes.
e: I am Cartwheel Girl! (does something approximating a cartwheel)
i: I am BOOTY BOY! (pounds on his butt)

Ivan flips a coin, “HEADS! you get a hug.” I accept the hug. He flips again, “HEADS! HUG!”
He hugs me then he says, “If I get tails I punch you.” He flips and I say, “You will not punch me there is no punching.” He hugs me and says, “It’s heads.” I told him to find a new game.

Amanda, you are my BFF. It’s a secret. . . from daddy.

“I am gonna be a builder, so I can build a big house for my pet T-Rex when I grow up.” He also plans to build for Ezri an invisible car and an office for her veterinary practice when he is builder. When he retires from building, he will be an astronaut and be the first human on Mars.

Pointing up at white fluffy clouds, “Those are sky bear clouds.”

i: I have ten butts. One of them lives in California. Can we call my butt?
time passes conversation drifts
i: I have 100 butts.
A: I thought you had 10 butts.
i: My butts had babies – lots of babies.

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