Ivan Speaks

Photos from Rocky’s birthday party.






“It is Rocky’s birthday today. He is turning 6 years old.”
Rocky then had a birthday party Ivan orchestrated with a card he drew, a small toy cake, a pool (shallow dish of water), and an easter egg hunt in Rocky’s box (the eggs were applesauce lids). Rocky and his friends found all the eggs.

“What if we made a rocket and we named it Ben? ”
Ezri and Ivan have been building a lot of imaginary rockets often with 5 or more steering wheels.
They dispute which imaginary paint color to paint their imaginary rockets – it’s all pretty ridiculous.

“Which screwdriver goes with my screws? Holding the play flat head and philips head screwdrivers.”
Ivan has already learned the importance of having the right tool for the job. The screws were imaginary, rocket-building screws.

“If you want to learn to fight evil giant ants, I can teach you.”

“I love black olives. I love ice cream. I think I will love black olive ice cream. Can we make it?”

“Why does June have a year but Ivan doesn’t?” Ivan has noticed his friend June has a whole month he assumed was named after her and he does not. I explained the month had the name first. He suggested that I call him September as his nickname. I have started calling him September sometimes and he likes it.

Ivan pointed at a sign he wanted read to him it said “Ice Cream makes everything better.”
“No, not everything. Not fire. Or other hot things that want to be hot.”
He decided the sign should read “Ice Cream makes a lot of things better.”
I agreed with him because I remember when ice cream did not make the book drop at the library better.

Ivan tells me more about what he does when he’s away from me. Here’s our conversation after camp.
A: What did you do at camp today?
i: Finger painting.
A: What did you paint?
i: a cheetah. They had no white paint.
A: What would you have painted if you’d had white paint?
i: A chicken.

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