After using the potty, Ivan returns to the game pantsless.
A: You need your pants.
i: No, I have socks.
Today Ivan had his first basketball class. They start with a question of the day and after the kids before him named their favorite things to eat “oranges, peanut butter and lunch,” Ivan proudly declared, “French Fries!” He did well at ball bouncing, but when they were told to trap their balls Ivan thought that necessitated lying on top of the ball on the floor. Most kids just hugged the ball to their chest. When they were taking shots in the last five minutes of class, Ivan curled up on the floor and would not move. After class I asked why he did that. He declared it because the class was “too boring.” His favorite thing about class was “all the balls.” His curl up on the floor was after the class had been reduced to have only a couple of shooting balls rather than a ball per child. He wants to go back next week, so we’ll have further ball bouncing adventures.