Snowy Saturday

At the park standing on the “snow boulder” that a friend’s dad crafted.

Ivan with his signature “slushy special” snowball made of melty slush for better splat.

From the backyard to the driveway, the snowball fight was fierce.

Ivan really wanted to be able to use the sled to catapult this giant snowball. Fortunately, the kids didn’t get the mechanics to work for that.

Kids had a blast playing in the snow. Since we acquired snowpants and boots on Friday, we are in just under the wire for outfitting them appropriately.

Sledding at O’brien Park


On most of the trips up the hill, Ivan insisted on walking himself and helping pull the sled along behind him. It took an adult to actually get the sled up that hill, but his persistence was impressive. His first trip up the hill he accepted a ride from Dad.

On your mark, get set. . .


Who do you think won this sled race?

The other two are getting ready to sled, but Ezri is smiling for the camera.

Ivan Speaks



Dribbling a soccer ball, Ivan kept chanting, “I am a soccer monster. ROAR!” The photos above are of my little soccer monster resting between runs.

Ezri and Ivan had an epic debate about whether their breakfast cereal was called Crispix or Cris-books.
i: Crisbooks
e: No, it’s Crispix.
i: CrisBOOKS.
e: Crispix!
i: CrisBOOKS!
e: CRISPIX. Amanda, tell him it’s Crispix.

Amanda: You are using the potty like a big boy.
Ivan: You’re a big boy, Manda.
His logical reasoning works, but falls into a common trap. Big boys use potties. Amanda uses a potty. Amanda is a big boy.

Ivan uses “Why?” as a response to questions where most would use “What?”. I find it endearing.
A: Do you know what this is?
i: Why?
A: What do you think we should play now?
i: Why?

After watching the movie Monsters Inc. at Thanksgiving, Ivan has become dedicated to being the green one-eyed monster, Mike Wazowski.
We were playing in the backyard and I was the Head of Monster University, Dean Hardscrabble. Ezri was the big blue monster, Sully, and Ivan liked to say repeatedly, “I am Mike Wazowski.” I said it was time to go inside and get ready for Ezri’s dance class. Ivan said, “No, Sully’s dance class.” I agreed, “Okay, let’s go get ready for Sully’s dance class.” When we got to class I said, “Ezri, it’s time to switch to your dance shoes.” Ivan furrowed his brow and said, “No, Sully’s dance shoes!” His insistence on Ezri being Sully and him being Mike continued for the rest of the afternoon.

Snow Angel below: